Gladiator - Welcome to the Arena


Overwhelmed by sensations, you feel the skin on your palms tingle as though a faint electric current has passed through it. Silence conquers you... So many pressing tasks that must be completed before you can rest again.... Come drown yourself in this exhilarating experience and take your first steps in the hallowed path to becoming a management guru... Find out if you have it in you to be “THE GLADIATOR”.

This game poses the biggest challenges to the toughest brains in the country with the aim to find “THE ONE”. It not only pays attention to the individual facets of management but also to the cross functional aspects. It provides the students with simulated real world experiences putting the participants’ endurance abilities, stress management and mental fortitude to test. As we revamp the whole game year after year, surpassing our own standards and setting new benchmarks, judging the participants with more complex modules, our conviction remains unscathed,



Varun Agarwal (u109148) said...

Over the years, Gladiator has proved its mettle to one and all.. The game where the BEST one takes it ALL. Welcome to our ARENA!!

Zarine said...

Well said Varun ! We're waitin for the one who proves his mettle and sweeps every1 off their feet !!

subheksha said...

Waiting for the HERO to arrive ! Just 22 days left !

Unknown said...

The Gladiator is coming ...Are you game!!!!

gladson (u109169) said...

only the toughest , the one with steel will survive this....

Shruti Kedia said...

Gladiator is not the creature of circumstances, circumstances are the creatures of a Gladiator. He is a free agent, and more powerful than matter.”

adityashenai(u109054) said...

The one with the highest skills will arise...Fell the thrill .... live the thrill ...Gladiator is coming ...are you game!!!!

gladson (u109169) said...

when the going gets tough the tough gets going !!!!!suits the gladiator !!!!!

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