Kurukshetra - the conch is blown


Kurukshetra is one of the flagship events of Xpressions and can proudly boast about its rich legacy of past 15 yrs. It is a corporate battle game, which tests the mettle of the best teams' representative of the top-notch B schools and the Corporates for what it takes to be a strategic Business Champion. Kurukshetra provides a platform to implement cross-functional strategic decisions by simulating a real world business scenario. It challenges the players to compete with the best, and prove their excellence before they walk away beaming in the glory of victory.

The game is played in following three phases:

Shankhnaad: Kurukshetra 09 proudly introduces Shankhnaad, the preliminary round of Kurukshetra. This online module would enable the preeminent minds of the country to compete with one another before they sweat it out in the final module at XIMB campus. The competition is open for both corporate and students of management institutions. The top ten teams qualify for the next round Kurukshetra.

Kurukshetra: It is that arena where the skills of the better are tested against the best. The teams are put through a simulated replica of the real life business scenario. Each team would have the opportunity to be a business unit, competing against one another for the same product category. The glory would be bestowed upon the one team that could emulate the success of real company by exuding an apt combination of operational, financial, marketing and human resource strategies.

Chakravyuh: The teams would now have to work their way out through the maze of a real world, bundled with its constraints and complexities. This Chakravyuh is solely won by teams who can assimilate all their knowledge and implement it to conquer the byzantine situations posed before them and take decisions in The Real World.

Keeping with the trend of preceding years, Kurukshetra '08 also was a huge success, with enormous students’ participation from elite B-schools in India and abroad and prizes worth Rs. 1 lakhs.


♫♥♥MANAS♥♥♫ said...

Kurukshetra is something that remains etched in your mind forever. You would never forget being a part of it- be it as a developer or a player..
To give you a feel about what kurukshetra is all about, watch this new short video... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQiDdd_OLhk

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