Helios is here!!!!


* Online Prelims will be conducted:
- 23rd October at 10 PM
- 24th October at 10 PM
- 25th October at 7 PM
* A set of questions will be uploaded on the documents section of the Xpressions 2009 website on each of the three days of the prelims at a pre-specified time.
* The teams have to download the document, answer the questions and send the solutions along with your team name, institute, city and names of the team members.
* You will be allowed 60 minutes to solve the questions after which you should post the solutions, late entries will be disqualified.
* The prelims will be held on 3 consecutive days so that teams can participate on the day of their choice. You are supposed to participate on any one of the 3 days.
* The questions will be general and will test your reasoning, logic and general awareness. It may cover GK, puzzles and questions on analyzing some situations or business problems.


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